QUINA 6580 Contest Results: Nominations and Awards Announced

Developer 1785
Resultados do Concurso QUINA 6580: Nomeações e Prémios AnunciadosAvailable on November 11, 2024, São Paulo, SP. The draw raised more than 9 million reais, totaling R$9,142,662.50.

.ad-single-container{ display:none;} Numbers drawn The ten entries drawn in this contest are:

I want to win all the lotteries of the day! 🚀 Receive notifications on your WhatsApp 🚀 Join the WhatsApp group You will be redirected to WhatsApp. 04 16 18 45 71 Prizes In this draw the prizes are distributed as follows:

Quina: The winner will receive all five valid games and will receive a total prize of R$4,091,079.42. Quadra: The prize of R$ 6,305.32 was divided among the 66 correct guesses who matched four numbers. Suit: 4,643 bets that match three numbers will win R$85.36 each. Duque: 115,498 winners who match twenty bettors will receive a prize of R$3.43. Location of winners The only Quina winner was from the city of Rio Verde, in the state of Goiás. The winner placed his bet in person and not via electronic device.

Next Grand Challenge QUINA's next Grand Challenge, number 6581, is scheduled for November 12, 2024, with an announced prize pool of R$600,000.00. Furthermore, a total of R$57,417,247.99 was raised in a large competition, called São João.

Participants are always encouraged to follow the news and events of the draw to stay up to date with the prizes and opportunities offered by the lottery.