Marchal Botafogo highlights determination and congratulates Gustavo Sauer: “He works calmly”

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Marchal Botafogo destaca determinação e parabeniza Gustavo Sauer: “Ele trabalha tranquilo”After the 2-1 victory over Audax in the first game of the Taça Rio, Marçal gave a speech on the sidelines. The Botafogo goalkeeper highlighted the strength of the black and white team and made a point of congratulating Tiquinho Soares and Gustavo Sauer for the goals they scored.  - I think that goal affected our game a little. We had a lot of ball, but we didn't create. They achieved this in the competition and we had to prove ourselves. In the second half we improved and were more direct. I want to thank the players for being heroes. We congratulate Tiquinho and Sauer, especially Sauer for the calm performance and for winning the crown with the winning goal - said Marçal on Bandsports. + PERFORMANCES: Tiquinho Soares and Gustavo Sauer join Botafogo's disappointment with Audax-RJ