The candidate's withdrawal moves the election in Palmeiras for the presidency of the council just hours before the vote

Developer 47
A desistência do candidato movimenta a eleição no Palmeiras para a presidência do conselho poucas horas antes da votaçãoRoberto Silva's withdrawal from his candidacy for the presidency of the Palmeiras Deliberative Council on the same day as the elections, which take place next Monday (6), promises to change the scenario of the dispute. If Serafim Del Grande, representative of the situation, defeats his opponent Mario Giannini in 2021 by just 15 votes (129 to 114), tonight's elections promise to be even more intense. Internal projections estimate that Alcyr Ramos da Silva Junior, current candidate, would benefit from the launch of Roberto Silva's candidacy, who declared himself independent. This is because Silva would share the votes with Carlos Antonio Faedo, who represents the opposition. So the estimate until Silva's withdrawal was that Alcyr would have around half of the votes among the 291 councilors, while Faedo, Roberto and abstentions/absences would share the remaining 50%.