Minas Gerais recipes adapted for vegetarians A 2018 study by the Institute of Veganism (IBOPE) found that 14% of Brazilians claimed to be vegetarian. Although there are no statistics on vegetarianism yet, it is an indication that there is a tendency among the masses to stop eating animal products, especially meat.
It is important to distinguish between vegetarianism and vegetarianism: vegans do not eat meat, but eat other foods derived from animals, such as milk, butter and the like, unlike vegetarians who opt for a vegetarian diet. start.
Do you love Minas Gerais food and are you vegan? Surprise yourself with the menu below!
Vegan chicken with okra There was a time when it was difficult to bring food to Minas Gerais, people lived in a city that today we call historic cities, such as Tiradentes, Ouro Preto and Mariana.
For people to be able to feed themselves, they need to take the simplest step. As okra cultivation was doing well in the country and chicken farming was increasing, they decided to combine the two, thus creating okra-based chicken.
Although we know these facts, the origin of the food is unknown. It is possible that it originated in Portugal or even in African countries, but there is no historical evidence.
Vegan chicken with okra is a completely vegan recipe. It's a top-notch product that, if done right, can take anyone to greater heights.
Leaving history aside, although it's fun to eat knowing the history of the dishes, let's get straight to the point. The recipe!
Chicken with okra recipe – Minas Gerais recipe
100 grams of vegan chicken protein (no cutting required)
300 grams of raw okra.
1 whole onion
7 drops of garlic .
1 piece of chopped pepper
Salt to taste.
Hot paprika to taste.
Saffron drops.
Pepper sauce
Shoyu dripping with sauce.
Green odor (parsley and chives)
How to prepare vegan chicken with okra – Minas Gerais recipe
Brown the garlic and onion, season with salt, add the protein, all the seasonings, except the green pepper, and cook well, without adding water.
Once well mixed, add the chopped okra and then add the water little by little, until it reaches one centimeter below the edge of the pan. Stir well and add the vegetables. Remove the pan and serve.
Vegan tropeiro beans Tropeiro beans are another staple of Minas Gerais cuisine. With a self-explanatory name, the recipe was developed by tropeiros, men who traveled through the cities of the center and southeast of the country and transported cattle, goods, horses, mules and other goods. They were generally very active traders in the 18th century.
It was a time when Brazil was under the rule of the Portuguese crown. Then the customs of the people who already lived here, the Indians, began to change, including their diet.
With the arrival of Africans forced to work as slaves on the continent, three cultures began to overlap and merge: indigenous, European and African, which explains the tropeiro dishes, which in short are a mixture of fruit and flour.
Still in the case of tropeiro traders, as they often made long journeys, it was easy to transport, for their own consumption, foods with low moisture content, such as flour, beans, bacon, corn, coffee, among other foods that can withstand long journeys. of atrophy.
Tropeiro trees emerged as a pro-life source. Over time, new ingredients were added to the mix, such as seasonings, green perfume, other meats, such as sausage and eggs, and it ended up being a separate “heritage” from Minas Gerais.
Just because someone decides to become vegetarian doesn't mean they don't need to eat foods from their country's history, right? Consider!
Vegan tropeiro bean recipes.
250 grams of ash string.
60 grams of red pepper, cut into cubes.
70 grams of chopped pine nuts (cooked).
60 gramas de pimentão verde picado.
1 rodela de limão
60 gramas de pimentão amarelo cortado em cubos.
½ cenoura em cubos.
60 gramas de berinjela cortada em cubos (adicione suco de limão à berinjela para evitar vermelhidão)
60 gramas de cogumelos Paris cortados em cubos.
60 gramas de abobrinha cortada em cubos pequenos
1 dente de alho para o feijão
80 gramas de alho picado
Corte 200 gramas de cebola em cubos pequenos.
½ unidade de cebola para cozinhar o feijão.
1 colher de chá de pimenta em flocos picada
½ colher de chá de cominho
½ pacote de perfume verde
100 gramas de farinha de mandioca crua .
100ml de azeite .
Sal e pimenta preta a gosto
Como fazer isso.
Coloque os legumes na panela de pressão com metade da cebola e do alho. Não deixe cozinhar por muito tempo, pois precisa estar completamente dissolvido para misturar posteriormente. Após o cozimento, enxágue o feijão para que não fique nenhum caldo.
Refogue o alho e a cebola no azeite. Adicione as cenouras e os pinhões. Rapaz, um pouco. Adicione a berinjela, a páprica e a abobrinha. Mexa bem e adicione as batatas.
Depois serviu-lhes cogumelos e sal. Pegue o feijão reservado e misture. Adicione o restante do tempero e o pimentão verde. Finalize com farinha. Mexa bem e retire a panela.
Ama as receitas? Espalhar!
Confira mais receitas de comida mineira no site Mais Minas.