911 LUCKY DAY lottery competition: Dozens and results now available!

Developer 1138
Competição de loteria 911 DIA DE SORTE: Dezenas e resultados já disponíveis!This post has been updated and the draw will take place soon. Now, see what's new in the last photo, taken on 05/07/2024.

I want to receive all the lottery results of the day! 🚀 Receive notifications on WhatsApp. 🚀 Join WhatsApp groups to send notifications on WhatsApp. The 911 lottery draw with lucky date is coming! The next DIA DE SORTE, 911 lottery draw will be held on May 9, 2024, with a prize pool of R150,000.00. This race promises to attract the attention of bettors, with a month of luck and dozens of potential winners. The draw is held in São Paulo, SP, and is always waiting for participants.

The results of the last contest were announced in the previous contest number 910, on May 7, 2024, with a dozen draws: 01, 07, 15, 17, 26, 27, 28. The lucky month was February, number 2 In this competition, there will be a prize other than R$3, worth R$41 in 40 available places. Among dozens of winners, the top two winners received US$1,279,731.79 in prize money.

Accumulation and winners Participants in the previous competition were from different cities, including participants from electronic channels. Prize payouts include multiples of 4, 5, 6 and 7, with monthly lucky bonuses.

Don't miss your chance to win a prize in the next LUCKY DAY Lottery draw. The draw will be held soon and can be held until the day of the test. Stay tuned and hope to be the next winner!