The integrated numbers are: 10, 20, 28, 37, 41, 66, 74.
I want to receive all day's lottery results! 🚀 Receive notifications on your WhatsApp 🚀 Join the WhatsApp group You will be redirected to WhatsApp. The favorite team formed by the heart was PALMEIRAS/SP, represented by the 61st team.
Prize 7 Correct Answer: There were no winners. 6 hits: There were no winners. 5 Hits: 89 bets were successful, each receiving R$ 1,264.83. 4 hits: 1,725 successful bets, each one received R$ 10.50. 3 hits: 16,196 successful bets, receiving R$3.50 each. Favorite team: 16,551 correct bets, receiving R$8.50 each. Next Competition The next competition, number 2,108, is scheduled for 06/22/2024, with an estimated cost of R$5,800,000.00.
The total income from this last competition was R$1,692.
Stay tuned for more information about TIMEMANIA and good luck in the next draw!
Next Timemania Contest - Contest 2107 In the next Timemania Contest, number 2107, which will be held on 06/20/2024 (Thursday), fans of this lottery will have the chance to win a prize worth R$5,400,000, 00. Expectations are high for batsmen and anxiety only increases as the draw date approaches.
Result of the Previous Competition In the previous competition number 2106, held on 06/18/2024, none of the bettors played 7 tenns, resulting in the prize being collected. Dozens were made: 17, 29, 31, 43, 56, 68, 79. Furthermore, the favorite team made was Caxias/RS, represented by dozens of 23.
Prizes Even without winners in the main draw, Timemania offers bets that match the numbers 6, 5, 4, 3 and 1, in addition to the favorite team. The total amount raised in this contest was R$ 1,761,361.00.
Don't forget to place your bets and compete in the next Timemania contest for this millionaire prize! Take the opportunity to choose your lucky dozen and your favorite team and hope to be the next winner. Good luck!