Today's Moon: Check out the Moon phase on Saturday 23/23/2024
Today, December 23, 2024, the Moon is in the Waning Phase, 50% visible and west. There are still 8 days until the New Moon. Check out the full color of the Moon in November. Information for the month of November is from the International Institute of Education (Inmet). Current month: looking to the future The Monthly Calendar for November 2024 begins on the 1st with the arrival of the New Moon and ends with the Waning Moon in October. The scene changed at 9:48 p.m. June 9th was the last day of the year, at 2:56 am. The full moon rose at 6:29 am on the 15th of the month. November's Full Moon patterns also include the Waning Moon, on the 22nd at 10:29 am. Lunation: every 29.5 days (on average), the Moon begins a lunar phase, which begins with a new phase and ends with a solstice. Photo: Elena11 – Shutterstock Read more: Understand what the Moon is, how it formed and how it formed Discover how to take the best photos on a mobile device 7 tips for photographing the Moon completed in 2012-2014-2012 2018-05 -20 10:00:00: day 1 at 9:48 am Moon is last: day 9 at 2:56 pm Full Moon: day 15 at 6:29 pm Full Moon: day 22 at 10:29 am What is a lunar eclipse? The lunar cycle or lunar cycle, as the time between new moons is called, is a little different, with a cycle of 29.5 days. During this period, it goes through four phases (fresh, ripe, full and mature), each lasting seven days. There are also “interstitials”: black and white (between new and filled) and gibbous and black (between filled and filled). What is the phase of the Moon today? Today, the Moon is at its zenith.